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The Great 2024 Scavenger Hunt
For our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration of the Vinton Guild of Fine Arts, we are challenging people in the community to a scavenger hunt to identify pieces of artwork provided by the Guild. These include 18 ears of corn, 2 wall sized murals in the Library, 3 interactive murals and 2 mini interactive murals all located throughout the community.
Need help finding our work? Try these links:

1 Point for each clue answered correctly identifying the name or location of the artwork.
5 Bonus points for including a picture of you/team/friends/family with a piece of community art provided by VGFA.
10 BONUS Points for correctly Identifying the piece of art with a quote from the 2011 movie The Help “You is SMART – You is KIND – You is IMPORTANT".
You may work individually or as a team
The winner will be announced at the Holiday Open House on
Sunday, November 24, 2024.
In the event of a tie, a drawing will determine the winner.
1st PLACE - $300.00 Gift Cards & Prizes
2nd PLACE - $200.00 Gift Cards & Prizes
3rd PLACE - $100.00 Gift Cards & Prizes
Return completed forms by:
Mail to: VGFA Po Box 62, Vinton IA 52349
Email to:
VGFA extends their gratitude to those who donated toward the gift cards & Prizes Including:
Vinton Unlimited
LaGrange Pharmacy
Pourville Studio
Nature’s Corner
Henkle Creek/Cameron Clothing
The Niche
Clippers Corner
Palace Theatre
New Beginnings Salon
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